Sunday, August 16, 2009


I need to update! So much has happened in the past 5 days!

Oh, & just so everyone knows, I turned on anonymous commenting so you non-blogspot followers can comment now!

I am amazing. haha.

Well..Today was great. Molly grabbed my shoe today! I was so proud of her! I even got it on video...Which I'm really reluctant to post cause I was talking through the whole thing & saying the stupidest stuff EVER....Like, "Oh, maybe you'll have a pair of converse someday!" ..& totally ruining the moment. Yeck. But she's getting so big. She weighs 14 lbs now! ..Which puts her in the 75th percentile. Maybe I should cut out the rice bottle at night? She's getting too big too fast!

Sooooo other than the Molly update, things are great here. I start school this Wednesday. I'm really excited. I finally get to learn something related to nursing! I found out we're going to dissect a cadaver in anatomy. *shudders* I'm excited, but kinda grossed out at the same time. Dead people freak me out! & We also get to paralyze a live frog & see how it's nerves work. Now THAT is going to be fun! I don't know of any cool stuff we get to do in physiology though...But I'm sure it'll be just as cool.

........I suddenly don't feel like updating anymore!
--Anyway, if you're reading this, leave me a comment so I know how many readers I have! Sorry this was the world's most boring entry!



  1. I read your blog! I even have you listed under my "friends" on my blog page! See, you are special! I'll make sure and post more comments for ya! I'm usually too damn lazy!

  2. I took anatomy at SHS, and we disected cats.. but im sure this will be a tad different, lol.. -Liz
