Friday, August 7, 2009

March 6, 2009

Heyyyyyyyyyy everyone. --So I'm not exactly 30 weeks yet, (I will be on Monday!) but seriously. I remember once upon a blog when I was all, "omg, I have a baby the size of a sesame seed!" It totally does. I can't believe that was 6 months ago. But yeah! Miss Molly is growing by the day. She's kicking as I'm writing haha. I can't wait to freaking see her!
Anyway, I really feel like writing a blog for some reason, so I'll give you all a nice update.

We decided not to move mostly because we REALLY don't have the money for a deposit, & we want to be financially stable...ESPECIALLY with Molly coming pretty soon. So Yeah! We're just going to stay here for a very..very long time. & hope that all the psycho crazy people move
out before we do. haha. I hate to say it, but I miss our old apartment! We should've just moved into a 2 bedroom there....I liked the atmosphere. & the pool! --even though our car got stolen while we were there, & even though I got harassed by the kids & all the mexicans there...I still liked it better. *Sigh* I guess this type of stuff comes naturally with apartment complexes.

However, we are getting another car sometime this week. I finally got my college money, so we're going to pay the wal-mart card down so we can get our freaking car loan! Yay!

We also received some great news in the past week...I don't know if I put this in my last blog..I'm guessing I didn't, but...Steve isn't getting deployed until January! He was originally supposed to leave in July, but now he doesn't! This is fantastic news. So we'll both definitely be coming back in July for my sister's wedding..& we also decided to get Molly baptized while we're home....I'm guessing we'll probably stay a couple weeks. I have to get my dates straightened out so we can buy tickets, but yeah I can't wait!

Also, our 1 year wedding anniversary is tomorrow! Where did the time go?! It seems like yesterday when I was trying on my wedding dress & getting stuck in it, & when Lil was only a few months old, & when Steve was still in tech's insane how fast time flies. Now I have a whole year of college under my belt, I've been married for a year, & pregnant for about 7 months!

WELL, it's 9:30 at night, & I can't believe I'm ready for bed. Molly weighs 3 pounds now. She's getting so big! me haha.

I will update again soon when I have something interesting to tell you guys.
Love you all very mucho!

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