Friday, August 7, 2009

May 5, 2009

--Well, it hasn't exactly been a week, but I have stuff to talk about! haha. I guess I've been pretty good these past few days. Steve almost gave me a heart attack this weekend...literally.

--Okay not really. But anyway, I went to the doctor's today for my weekly appointment, pissed in a cup, heard Molly's heartbeat....& got some shitty news. I have hypertension. --otherwise known as pre-eclampsia. Or Pre-E for short. My blood pressure was 140/90. The protein count in my piss was why am I not giving birth right now?! Yeah, that's what I would like to know! Nope...instead of being induced, I'm on bedrest...BEDREST! Am I following those orders? I sure as hell am not! --Well I kinda have no choice. I absolutely have to finish this week of school. I talked to my professors & I'm taking all of my finals this week rather than in 2 weeks. They were extremely flexible. So needless to say, I have to do a buttload of walking on campus! It's huge! & lately I've been getting tired out so doesn't take much to make me tired at all. Yeah this newfound uh..."Laziness" has been going on for about 4 days now. & I guess I know why. Steve isn't thrilled at the thought of me nesting while on bedrest. Lucky him, he gets to be my bitch! lol. I doubt he'll do anything though. His job is garbage, & kitty litter. It has been since I've gotten pregnant, so I don't think he'll do anything new besides that. I'm pretty sure I'll get stuck maintaining/getting the house in order still. & my deadline is Tuesday. I'm almost 95% sure I'll go straight for an induction next week....a whole week early. As long as school is over, I really don't care! Plus, that would make Molly a taurus. Phew!

& I'm so glad I have amazing friends here too..April offered to come help me do some last minute shit on Saturday. So we'll probably order pizza & get this apartment cleaned up to my nesting standards before Tuesday. & then she's leaving for North Carolina for a couple weeks! What the hell am I going to do! lol. This bums me out! I can't go a day without talking to her! or Chels!

Anyway, as an update from my last blog..(which got 40 views in one day, you stalkers.)

When I was writing it, I was really worried about Steve! I think I was writing it around 2 am, correct? Okay well here's what happened after that.

April & Amanda got home around 3:45 am, & I already had my purse & keys in my hand when they pulled in. I was a nervous wreck so I was patiently waiting for them to get here. As soon as I heard the car doors open, I practically ran to my car. Amanda asked me if everything was okay & I said, "No, I got to go!" & she was probably thinking..damn, what a bitch. lol. But I really didn't have time to explain. Those symptoms of alcohol poisoning were racking my hypochondriac nerves! So I drove home like a maniac. I ran 2 red lights, I Was going a good 20 miles over the speed limit, & I parked in the handicapped spot at our apartment because there was no where else to park. So I run inside, & find Steve right where I thought he would be...on the floor, covered in puke, passed out. I made sure he was taking more than 8 breaths a minute, (he was!) & then I attempted to wake him up..which he did. & then he went back to sleep. So I went out in the living room & just cried & screamed & got out all of my pent up frustration...& then I became super pissed off. How could he do that to me?!!!!! I mean I know he's the big 21, but how could he get that drunk?!!!!!!!!!!! It also kinda broke my heart to see him like that. Ever since I've known him, he's been the most innocent person. It was sad.

--Anyway, back to the story. The wrath of Becca was about to smite Steve to shreds in a matter of minutes. & that's exactly what I did. I took a cup of water, poured it on him, threw the cup at him, & told him to clean up his puke. & I was kinda taking my mom's approach to the whole thing lol. I swear I'm becoming the spitting image of her. I can't believe I have her temper. --Anyway, he picked up his head & looked at me, & so I got another cup of water & threw it in his face, & said, "clean up this shit NOW!!!!!!!!!" at the top of my lungs & he got up & cleaned the kitty litter.....& then attempted to lay down in bed. So when I came back to check, the bathroom was still covered in vomit. So I smacked his stomach & said, "Get up now, clean up the bathroom, & don't leave until it's spotless." He kinda just sat there for a good 2 minutes while my patience was running super thin. So I said, "GET MOVING!" & he still sat there, & then the unforgiving part of my anger came out & said, "You know what? fuck you. I can't believe you're fucking doing this to me. Get a life." & then slammed the bedroom door & went out in the living room. In a matter of seconds, I heard him spraying clorox & cleaning. 10 minutes later, I heard him get back in bed, so I checked the bathroom one more time...& it was spotless.

Steve was also crying.

Now I felt like a huge jerk. But once I rationalized it, I figured I did the right thing. If he pukes everywhere, well, he's going to clean it up! I get up to piss about 5 times a night, & there was no way I was about to sit on a toilet covered in vomit. So then I didn't feel so bad. I laid down next to him & asked him what was wrong, & he said, "please don't be mad at me anymore! I'm sorry! I don't want to make you mad!" ...& he was still clearly very. VERY drunk. So I told him I wasn't mad at him anymore. & then he said, "Are you going to divorce me?" & I told him I don't believe in divorce. & then he told me he loved me & Molly. & stopped crying. He asked me if he could give Molly a kiss, so he did. I started giggling & said, "You kissed her butt!" & then he started crying again! So he started talking to her & he said, "I'm sorry I kissed your butt Molly! Here I'll kiss your head! Don't be mad at me!" & I couldn't stop laughing. But at the same time I was like, "aw!" So then once Steve calmed down, he told me about his crazy night...he repeated himself at least 3 times, & his whole story took about 2 hours, but I tried very hard to stay awake & listen! Here's what happened...

So Steve & his friends...(I'm not sure who all went exactly, but I know they live here in my new apartment complex somewhere.) They left for the bar around 10. Steve told me once he sat down 3 people bought him birthday shots & he drank 3 shots of jager as soon as he sat down. From what I counted, he took 17 shots total...But that was all he remembered. He said he had a blue drink called, "Adios motherfucker" & in his own slurred words he said, "I had a blue drink called Adios something with a cherry in it, & then I said 'Adios'. Then I don't remember anything after that." lmfao. So yeah, 17 shots in 1 hour?! He was pretty damn close to alcohol poisoning. I remember reading a story about a guy who took 22 shots on 1 hour on his 21st birthday, & he died. So of course I was so glad that wasn't him. Anyway, he told me that the band there played happy birthday for him, & that an old lady tried to dance with him. haha. He also told me that there were 2 blonde girls buying him shots & again in his own words he said, "I think they liked me, but I didn't like them. I told them you were pretty & that I love Molly." lol. He told me from what he remembered, everyone that talked to him he said, "I love my wife. & I love Molly. --Jager bombs! High five!" & he would go around giving everyone high fives hahaha. --which he kept doing to me during our conversation. It was so funny. So between the interruptions of, "can I have another jager bomb?" & "can you get me some chicken?" in our conversation, he told me the rest of the story.

Anyway, I guess once Steve got home, he puked EVERYWHERE obviously. We keep Littles' litter in our bathroom, so it was like a nice vomit & kitty litter mixture he was laying in. His friends told us later he was trying to drink the toilet water, & that he was playing in his vomit. Gross! So he passed out around 11:30 when they called me, & they left him there. Ugh.

Steve said he didn't remember leaving the bar & coming home so I don't really know what happened between then.

But I'm so glad he was okay. & is it sad that I like him better drunk? lol. He seems so much happier. & of course he was oogling over me which I didn't mind. He used to be like that all the time before he joined the air force. He used to kiss my hand & tell me I'm beautiful like everyday, & he was totally smothering me like that again! & I missed it! So by the time morning rolls around, I was completely lovestruck like a giddy little school girl. I woke up about 4 hours after I fell asleep...okay so I Woke up at 9 & fell asleep at 5am. --Anyway, I woke up & I gave Steve a kiss, & he turned away like he usually does when I do that in the middle of his sleep. & I couldn't help but think, "Damn. He's back to normal." lol. So he sat down at the computer, & I remembered how he couldn't leave Molly alone about 4 hours ago, & I'm sure I've written in previous blogs saying that he never goes near I thought I would test him again. I said, "Molly is hiccuping! Do you want to feel her?" & then he said, "No, I'm doing something." & then I gave up. lol. Anyway, he is the sweetest drunk person ever. & I'm so glad he was okay.

--Wow. I think this took me like 45 minutes to write lol. I hope you stalkers got the missing piece to your puzzle. --Just kidding. I secretly like that my blog has a lot of views. hehe.

Okay, well, it's 12:38 am, & I have a 3 page paper to get done before Friday...I suppose I should do that now while I'm wide awake.

Adios motherfuckers!

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