Friday, August 7, 2009

November 17, 2008

Yay! I'm finally in the second trimester today!

As sick as I am already of talking about my pregnancy, I'll write a whole blog about it I guess haha. Then I won't get asked 43249093248930243 of the same questions everytime I see a different person.

Well, April & Scott have motivated me to switch doctors. I was thrilled giving birth here in Yuba City at the local hospital called Fremont, because it was a tiny bit better than the one I would normally be giving birth at in New York. --until I saw April's hospital. She gave birth in Roseville, which is like..45 minutes away, but it was so nice! Definitely worth the drive. The labor & delivery rooms were about the size of my apartment hahaha. & they even had places for the dads to sleep! & all the staff kissed your ass the whole time...& you even got a menu to choose from! Not to mention, they're very good with your baby there. I couldn't believe it. So, I'm convinced. After my appointment next Monday, I'm switching doctors. haha. My doctor isn't ideally what I want in a doctor anyway. He's very care-free. & I don't like that...not at all. So I'm probably going to get April's doctor. I'm excited. haha.

The baby is doing good. I can already feel a lump in my stomach where he/she is chillaxin. & the lump moves from side to side throughout the day. It's kinda weird feeling haha. I'm probably farther along than I think I am...although I wouldn't know because I didn't have a dating ultrasound cause my doctor sucks! But when I took my pregnancy test, it turned positive right away...& I only tested 5 days after my missed period. I think I'm a week or 2 ahead of where I'm supposed to be. Or maybe I'm having twins! --yikes. no. no I'm not.

Anyway, if my new doctor keeps my same appointment dates, I should be finding out what the baby is on December 22! yay.

& last but not least, here's my belly at 13 weeks by popular demand.

Oh & by the way, even though I'm in the second trimester, I still feel like ass! The past 2 nights I've been up half the night vomiting. It's definitely getting worse. & I'm becoming very thin. It's scary. Plus that mixed with the lack of food & money we have, I don't think it's going to get any better. I can't keep the prenatals down to save my life. ugh. BUT, I have no doubt that the baby will turn out just fine. Atleast I got my proper nutrition at the beginning of the pregnancy. --Oh, but I noticed a change in energy...yesterday. Today I was back to my tired self again. But yes, I got some cleaning done. yay. I would totally have ocd about my house if I had the energy. I kinda wish I could just move things with my mind & make everything clean. heh heh. oh well. It'll be clean someday!

Oh, & I want to congratulate April on her newest addition, Scott. She was in labor for almost 24 hours, but she only pushed for a half hour I think? & Scott weighed 7lbs, 7 oz! I'm so happy for them.

Okay, well I'm outttttt until I have something interesting to write about.

--EDIT-- My birthday is in 4 days! Don't forget!
Oh & btw, if you look over to the left where it says my stats, it says:
Gender: Female
Status: Married
Age: 18
Sign: Scorpio

funny how it's doing that already haha. I can't wait to be 18 though! yay! --Okay, I'm going for real this time.

--EDIT NUMERO DOS-- Okay, you guys know how much it pisses me off when people tell me I'm not old enough to buy/look at/do something. Well, now even myspace is rubbing it in my face. I went to go look at someone's page, & I scrolled down to the app section, & this is what came up!

We're sorry, but your account does not meet the minimum age requirement to view this application.

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