Friday, August 7, 2009

October 5, 2008

Hey guys!

Long time, no blog, I know. I actually posted one earlier this week, but I erased it. There was really nothing to say.

Anyway, I had my little OB orientation this week & got set up with a doctor & everything. My first ultrasound appointment is Oct. 27. That was the day I was supposed to be going home. But it's all they had open until December. Can you believe that?! I guess that's what I get for going to one of the top 5 OB clinics in the state. So I'm going home on Oct. 28 until Nov 4. Which is alright. --But I don't know how I'm getting there. I was expecting my college money to come in this week, but I got nothing! So I don't know. I guess coming home might be a little iffy this month. I really don't want to wait until Christmas.

So, the little one has finally grown to the size of a kidney bean. & it has elbows & knees, & all of it's organs are in place now. that was fast haha. My period is officially a month late also. Very nice.

I've been crazy sick this past week. Ever since April's Party Lite candle party last Sunday, I've been horrible. I missed my classes on Monday because I was so sick. But it's getting easier to manage. I've decided this is my first, & last child. No questions about that. I didn't even want any kids in the first place. butttttttt things happen. & I'm glad they just happened when they happened. I don't want to plan a child or anything like that. It takes all the fun out of it.

--Also, Steve is getting a lot better. He actually kissed my stomach the other night. I was so happy! & we picked up a few baby items & maternity pants for me at this place on base called the "airman's attic." It's basically a free, really nice salvation army. hahahaha. But they only accept donations if the stuff is in style & what not. & then they just give it away for free! So I'll probably be going there weekly to stock up. I's not like they need THAT much when they're 0-12. Plus, it'll be summer.

OH! & also, I just found out I can go tanning & get highlights while I'm pregnant. BUT there are some exceptions; You can only go tanning twice a week for 8 minutes at a time, (that won't affect me one bit...) & you have to get the foil highlights. --Which I don't mind. Those are the kind I like anyway. But I'm definitely doing that once I go home.

ooooooookay. I think I pretty much wrote about everything I wanted to write about, sooo I'm going to bounce. I'll probably write next week.

lo0o0o0ove you guys!

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