Friday, August 7, 2009

November 13, 2008

Do you have to be 18 to buy one? Because if so, I will be able to in 8 days. --Not that I would use it, but you won't believe what the fuck happened to me last night. I've been thinking about it all day. Ready? Okay.

So you know I have shitty stupid selfish neighbors that love to play the "I have 3 kids so shut the fuck up" card...Well, I was making chicken & biscuits for dinner last night when Steve & Jason came home from work, (Jason is basically Steve's boyfriend...& my second husband hahahaha) They decided to go buy the new gay ass world of fuckcraft game...So I set the table, & got everything all nice & cleaned up, but I was moving chairs & stomping around at like 10:30 at night. & for whatever reason, my downstairs neighbors attempt to sleep at that time. So I settle down while my stuff was in the oven, & I hear a knock at my door....I knew it was the neighbors. I open the door, & there's A COP standing in my doorway! I dropped my jaw & told him I was sorry for being loud before he even said hello, & he said, "That's not what I'm here for." So I let out a sigh of relief on the inside. & here's how the conversation went..because I don't feel like explaining it.

Cop: Have you noticed anything strange around here?
Becca: No, not particularly...I'm either at college, or sleeping.
Cop: Do you know anything about a threatening phone call the people right below you received?
Becca: No, I don't know their phone number...
Cop: Well, apparently your apartment number was mentioned in the message the phone caller left on the answering machine..did you have anything to do with it? Do you know a guy named Craig...(I forgot his last name)?
Becca: No, I just moved here from New York.
Cop: What brings you here?
Becca: The air husband is stationed at Beale.
Cop: Okay. Well, apparently the caller mentioned your apartment number, and the message entailed threats that he was going to kill your neighbor's kids, and basically just ruin his life..Are you sure you had nothing to do with it?
Becca: No, I don't even know the guy...or his phone number. I just know he yells at me for being loud all the time.
Cop: Can I take down your name?
Becca: Rebecca Carpenter.
Okay...Well, if someone comes to your door that you don't know, DO NOT ANSWER IT. Because they directed the threats towards your apartment as well thinking you're the previous person who lived here. Your names obviously don't match, but the caller doesn't know that..Just keep your doors locked.
Becca: Will do!
Cop: Okay. I'll come back if I need more information. Call us if you see something strange.

& that was it. I might've got the wording a little mixed up, but that was pretty much the whole conversation. So I'm pretty much shitting my pants. What am I supposed to do?! UGH! if that guy downstairs wasn't such an asshole to everyone, he probably wouldn't be getting threatening calls. The pressure is on for me to move now! most definitely.

Well...I don't really know what else to write about..that was kind of the highlight of my week...Except my Madre said she's going to overnight me & Steve a sub from sub shop back home I can't wait! They have the best subs ever...even though all I get is lettuce, tomato, onions, oil, & parmesan cheese on them..hahaha...But they're AMAZING. You'd be surprised how much I actually miss all of the local places..especially pudgie's. & M&M's hotdogs. haha I can't wait to go home...It's so much safer in Elmira...It might not seem like it because that city has no future, but atleast it's..uh..somewhat safe. As long as you don't walk in the ghetto. Here, I can't walk around the corner to 7 eleven without getting harassed by someone. It sucks. & now I'm somehow involved with a threatening phone call that my neighbors received. I miss Elmira.

But I'll be back soon enough.
& I'll write next week.


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