Friday, August 7, 2009

June 7, 2009

Current mood: distractable
--I was at my wit's end for a headline. haha. It's from "Get Smart." I think it's officially the funniest movie I've ever seen in my entire life. I watched it today, & I could not stop laughing. I highly recommend it!

Anyway, I just thought I'd give a quick update.

Everything has been good here lately. I've finally mastered the art of housekeeping..if that is an art..but yeah! It seems like I got my shit together as soon as Molly got here. Horray for getting old!

Molly has been good of course. She's doing pretty good at keeping her head up already, & she's only 2 weeks old! She still sleeps 5-6 hours through the night sometimes. I think her startle reflex has been waking her up like. hourly. I've gotten the 3 crappiest nights of sleep in my life the past 3 days, but it's okay. I ordered this thing online called the miracle blanket. It's basically like a straight jacket, but hey if it keeps her from flailing her arms & waking herself up, (& me!) Shit, I'll take it! So hopefully that helps us out a little bit.

Steve has been uh. Loser-ee-er lately. I know you love my made up word. haha. He wakes up with Molly when he can so I can catch up on my Zzzzzs, but other than that, it's hard to get the man out of the house! I went to a farmer's market yesterday, (which was amazing by the way; my meals have consisted of fruit all day!) & he didn't want to go...& today there was this summer stroll thing downtown that I was trying to convince him to go to, but he didn't want to go to that either! All he literally does is go on world of warcraft. Still. fucking gay. He even set me up my own computer for when my online classes start so his world of buttcraft time wouldn't be interrupted. Hell atleast I have my own desktop! Other than sitting around & doing absolutely nothing with his life, he's been great. He's great with Molly, & he's been really nice to me.


Remember in my last blog how I've been saying that I've been having awful nightmares? Well. They're not letting up! The other night I had a dream I was still in the hospital after having Molly..apparently I was still pregnant with another baby, but I didn't give birth yet for whatever reason. It was really weird. --Anyway, in my dream I was laying in my hospital bed, Molly was in her little cradle thing right next to my bed, & steve wasn't there...& I gave birth spontaneously on my hospital bed to a baby boy! I remember trying to move so I could pick him up, but I couldn't move! I ripped the emergency cord out of the wall, & no nurses came in...& then I pressed the nurse call button & started screaming "help! Help!" & they ignored me! I was just sitting there crying & screaming, & then the baby I just gave birth to rolled off of the bed onto the floor & hit his head! Ugh it was awful. Now I'm having scary dreams about children I don't even have!

Yeah, these scary dreams have motivated me to take a self defense class. I'm probably the most pathetic person ever. I don't think I could hurt someone if I wanted to! I'm definitely going to look into it though. Better safe than sorry.

welllllll, I think I'm going to wrap this up. It's almost 2am...Molly might sleep, or she might wake up. But I'm going to sleep until she does I suppose!


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