Friday, August 7, 2009

May 29, 2009


I caved & watched twilight for the first time. I see why everyone is obsessed with it now! I was watching it with Molly. She was awake for most of it, but ended up falling asleep towards end.. (& didn't fuss once through that 2 hour movie) She's so good. --Anyway, I was holding her, & there were parts where I would just hold on to her so tight cause I didn't know what was going to happen! UGH I ended up in tears at the end! It was a lot like tuck everlasting, only not as sad. But it was still pretty good. I'm not going to go buy the books or anything, but......yyyyyyyeah. I might just go see the second one when it comes out. I'm more of a die-hard harry potter freak in secret. (SHH!)



Things here have been great lately! Molly is such a good girl. She's 1 week old today! Yay! I surprisingly am not sleep deprived...she only wakes up twice in the middle of the night to eat, & that's it. I'm a little bit sleepy from delivery still, but I'm trying to make up for that! It's nice to get some sleep & not feel like I just got ran over by a bus when I wake up like I did when I was pregnant. I actually feel well-rested & everything.

While I'm somewhat on the subject of sleep, I'm surprised postpartum depression hasn't kicked in...I'm still happy if not happier than I was last week, & I'm not overwhelmed or anxious or anything...The only thing is I keep having these sick twisted nightmares about bad things happening to Molly. It's absolutely awful! I don't know if that's just the over-protective mom feeling coming out in my dreams, or what the hell. But seriously, everytime I go to sleep, I have an awful nightmare. I'm not even going to go into detail they're so horrible...but yeah. I've been co-sleeping a little bit. It sucks because I swore I would never EVER co-sleep! It's not for Molly to go to sleep though, it's more for my peace of mind. She'll sleep wherever whenever. She has no sleeping problems. (yet) But it's all because of those nightmares I've been having! I just want to make sure she's safe!

--So. I checked my grades today, & I am not pleased one bit. My GPA went down to a 2.0 because of the freaking incomplete I had to take for biology for missing the final. Yeah. The final was on Molly's birthday. I had to miss it cause uh. I was in labor. But I'm going to appeal to it. It's not like I was on vacation or something! & my professor said he would work with me, but he gave me an incomplete anyway! I asked him 2 months in advance! It sucks! --As for my other grades, I ended up with a "c" in chemistry, (not good enough for Corning!) & an "a" in humanities. Woohoo! I would've had an "a" in biology too, but. I don't. ugh. I have to change the subject. haha.

Except I don't know what to talk about now! OH! Molly's hospital pictures are up on! If you search my name, cool, but if you search the hospital, the city is Roseville, her DOB is May 22 2009, & the hospital's name is Sutter Roseville. Just click on my name, (rebecca c.) & then you'll see Molly's pictures. They're absolutely adorable!

--Alright, well. I'm going to go feed the munchkin, & try to get some sleep! I hate busy days, & tomorrow is unfortunately a busy day. boo.

I'll update next week!

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