Friday, August 7, 2009

September 10, 2008 (later)

Despite my untouchable sadness today, my life just got a little brighter from the simple realization: Things could always be worse.

Here's the sick truth. I'm horribly sadistic. I LOVE it when bad things happen to other people. Especially when I'm the one down in the dumps for once. --but I don't get happy when other people's dad's are in the hospital. No. I'm not that sick. I mean stuff like...when people fight, or when tornadoes hit, or my personal favorite: breakups. If you know me well, you know I love it when people break up. It definitely gives me that one moment of, "HAHA I AM HAPPIER THAN YOU." until I realize how much whatever is bothering me starts bothering me again. But oh man did I get my sick break up fix about ten minutes ago.

Watching people break up on tv just doesn't compare to watching people break up outside your living room window. Let me tell you. This fight caught my attention while I was tuning out the world & trying to get my apartment in decent shape before Steve & Jason get back with Taco Bell. (another day brightener. I fucking love fast food.)

So anyway, I was picking up the living room, & I finally did something Steve couldn't do: I got the screen side of my living room window to open. So I had the blinds pushed back flaunting my "I did something you couldn't do" moment, when all of a sudden I heard, "IF YOU LEAVE WE'RE DONE! I'M NOT FUCKING KIDDING!" & I stopped what I was doing & turned off the lights as quick as I could. Littles & I tuned in to the fight that was happening right in front of us. Between a short fat bottle blonde girl, & her somewhat hott boyfriend. Turns out the guy, Zach, was making a rational choice & leaving his psychotic curse-like-a-sailor girlfriend. I'm sure she was upset over nothing. But here's what happened:

He got in his bronco looking vehicle with the decal "off road rednecks" on the back & started to pull out of the parking lot. She threatened him that it would be over if he left, but he kept his mouth shut & let her do all the bitching. He started to drive away but she opened the door & told her firmly to leave him alone, & she told him once again if he left it would be over, & his stuff would be out on the lawn. He told her to close the door, so when she did, HE PEELED OUT OF THE PARKING LOT! I could hardly contain myself! The girl screamed at the top of her lungs. A high pitched scream like kids do. She started screaming & crying in the very spot she was standing when Zach took off in his white trash vehicle. She stormed inside her house & slammed the door with a force so hard it shook the whole complex. I could hear her screaming inside & I was delighted of course. I was having my "haha this is awesome" moment most definitely. & just when I thought it couldn't get any better, she really DID throw his stuff on the lawn! Not but five minutes later, Zach & the white trash mobile came back to retrieve his stuff. They started arguing over finances. He wasn't like, "bitchhhh why did you throw my stuff outside?" No. This definitely proved to me that she started the argument & he had the last straw. So he began packing his stuff & they were arguing about the cell phone bill & how they were going to divi that up, & she ended by saying, "I don't need you. I've been supporting myself for the 9 MONTHS we've been together." hahahahahahaha.

So she finally settled down & kept quiet while he moved his things from her apartment to his car, & then he took off. Haven't heard anything since. But I'm looking forward to tomorrow night. He'll be back I'm sure. But atleast I can finally have a parking spot in the front now that he won't be there to hog it everday.

& that my readers is how I soothe my hurting feelings. Unhealthy, yes, but I'm not an alcoholic or a faithful drug user, nor will I ever be, so I need some way to vent.

--I think that's all the blogging I'll do for this week.

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