Friday, August 7, 2009

July 2, 2009

Well. Since I really have nothing better to do with my time besides take care of Molly, the casa, & do my online classes, I decided it's time for a hobby. So I found one. Ready?

Cake decorating!

--I don't know who the hell I'm going to make cakes for, but it's my dream job! If I could be good at anything, it would be that. I'll get the supplies next month when I get paid & see how it goes! --& no, not cake decorating like those old ladies at the bakery. I'm talking like ace of cakes or cake boss decorating with the fondant! Those look more fun to me!

So yeah. I'm basically sitting here trying to figure out how to make this crap, & trying to get in touch with my artistic side. I'm really excited to get started. I might just make one tonight for the hell of it. (Well, not tonight. I have to go get a dresser & start packing for New York cause I leave tomorrow!)

So. Maybe when I get home. haha. I'll see if my mommy is willing to relinquish some baking supplies to me...& then I'll bake a cake! --for Mj's birthday! YEAH!!!!!! She's coming out to visit me from July 28-aug 5. Her birthday is on August 1st! & I'm so excited! So, she'll be my first victim. haha. Hopefully it turns out good. I can't wait to get started! Until then, I'll be watching youtube DIY videos, looking at people's pictures, & reading wikihow for the next month. Hopefully I can get the hang of this!

So I guess it's time for an update, yes?

Well, my online class is..uh. Not going too well. I suck at it! If I miss like 3 questions on a test, I fail basically. & it's open book so I should have no reason to miss 3 questions, but I do! EVERYTIME! My average right now is a 67%...It needs to be a 75% for me to go to the next class. I think I did good on my midterm. I should've gotten a 91% if I got all the answers that I knew right. So hopefully that boosts my grade a little!

Miss Molly is doing great. Since I last updated, I was putting her to bed in her swing. Well, I moved her to her crib about a week ago, & we're both getting lots of sleep! & by lots, I mean 7 hours a night! & she's on my schedule so we wake up around the same time & I'm not too tired to take care of her! Needless to say, we're both very happy. haha. She won't even fall asleep on me anymore. It has to be in her crib. Today she started smiling a lot! It's adorable. She couldn't care less if I talked to her in a baby voice, but now she loves it! I pinched her cheeks & said, "I love you to pieces!" In a high pitched voice, & she ate that shit up! She was cooing & smiling! It was so adorable. If I loved her anymore than I already do, I think I would explode!

Steve is doing good. He's been a lot happier lately. Yesteday he sprained his ankle at work, & they still made him work! a 12 hour day no less! fuckers. Ugh. I wish I could give them a piece of my mind. When he got home he was limping! It was THAT bad. He's not a pussy when it comes to pain like I am, so I know it must've hurt. It wasn't really a bad sprain cause his ankle wasn't too swollen, but it was still pretty swollen. & THEN he wouldn't even let me take care of him! I would try to get him something & he would say, "I'm not crippled!" & hop on 1 foot to get it himself. hahaha.

& as for me..
I still have pica from being pregnant! I went out & bought an ice crusher (well. slushie maker.) So I could have crushed ice whenever I want...I ate laundry soap, my body wash, & my hand soap, (which didn't taste too good!) & now I'm craving dirt. Weird. Oh, & by "ate" I mean just a little taste. I didn't drink a gallon of laundry soap or anything. haha. So yeah. I need to start eating better. I swore off fast food, but there's nothing to eat here & I don't want to go grocery shopping cause I'm leaving in a few days! I've been addicted to crunchwraps & the pina colada fruitista freezes from taco bell. I've gotten them daily for about a week, & that's my meal for the day. I forget to eat I guess. Butttt let me give you a rundown of those nutrition facts...
For a crunchwrap, they contain like. 560 calories, & the fruitista freezes have 230 calories. So grand total, that's like 790 calories a day I'm getting. Not good. & pica is caused by vitamin deficiences, so until I start eating like a normal person again...It's not going to go away. Hopefully going back home & having 3 meals a day might help with that. & I'll have help with Molly so there's no excuse for me to forget to eat! Right now I'm eating mandarin chicken & white rice....leftovers from dinner last night. It has so much msg in it I think I'm going to be sick. & I feel super dehydrated. Maybe I'll just get the white rice next time. I have a new-found love for it. haha.

Welllllll. That's whats up with me I guess. I'm going to get a start on packing...still haven't gotten around to it.

--Oh, & I hope everyone has a good 4th of July! It's my favorite holiday!

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