Friday, August 7, 2009

May 9, 2009

Well....I'm awake on my crazy sleep schedule lol. It's 2:30 am. Is it sad that the urge to clean woke me up? Ugh. I'm getting old.

--Anyway, today was a pain in my ass. I woke up at 8:30 which is beyond early for me...(I fucking hate getting up early. It ruins my day.) to take my chemistry lab exam. My teacher is such a nice guy! He let me take it early just incase I don't survive until Tuesday. He said the final was optional. But I'm sure it would really help my grade if I took it. It's more of an extra credit ordeal. --But that lab exam was extremely important. I couldn't miss that. I think I did pretty decent. So we talked for awhile after I finished & he said, "Have a good summer." & all I could think was, "It's over. It's FINALLY OVER!!!!!!! No more chemistry!" I finished a two hour lab exam in 1 hour. yay. My next class didn't start until 11, so I went back home for an hour because I forgot my purse, & I missed littles. How sad is that? hahaha. I love her.

Okay, so anyway.

11 o'clock rolls around, & I have another final to take early. This is my humanities final. Humanities is basically just my philosophy class. I had to give a presentation on something we learned about this semester, (I was so fucking nervous!) & then I had to take a final...which I finished in 5 minutes. It was multiple choice, & fucking easy. So I know I aced that class.

After I walked out of there, I felt a big sigh of relief again. All I could think again was, "I don't have to go back there! I'm DONE!!! I'm really done!"

Now it's 1 o'clock. Time for biology. I talked to my teacher to ask him if I could maybe take my final early, & he said no. He said I could take it late, & to keep him updated. blah. Okay fair enough. It would kill my grade to shreds if I missed it...but this final is on May 22. Hopefully I can make it.

Now it's 2 o'clock. I felt this strange pain in my back as I was on my way to biology lab. It felt like someone had me trapped in a vice! I finally get into lab, sit down, & then I felt that strange pain again! It didn't hit me that it might be contractions until it came back again....& again....& AGAIN. So I could definitely time them. They were consistant but really not painful at all. They were 10 minutes apart for an hour. I decided to go to the bathroom. As soon as I started walking, I was fine! So I went back to lab. We were dissecting frogs today, & it was awesome. haha.

Anyway, after my lab group got their diagrams made, & after I totally mutilated our frog, (I snapped it's spinal cord & decapitated it. ) I handed in my lab & walked out with my lab partner Alex. We were talking & I was telling her about my puny somewhat consistant contractions, when all of a sudden I feel something running down my leg!!!! I told her I think my water might be leaking, & that she might not see me for awhile. She started freaking out haha. She asked if I was okay, if I needed to call Steve, if he was going to come pick me up...I told her it was okay, I'll be fine. So I kinda left her hanging & went was now like..3:45ish?

So I get home & call my doctor to see what I should do. I was kinda freaking out at this point cause I realized I only felt Molly move like once today. So I was more scared for her than me. --Anyway, I called my doctor's office & they said she wasn't on call! Well FUCK! So they gave me a new number to call...this just upset me even more. So I called the new number & this ignorant bitch answered. The conversation kinda went like...
"Hello, Dr. (I forgot her name!)'s Office?"
"Hi, I'm one of Dr. Fromlak's patients, & I understand this is her on-call doctor's office?"
"Um. This isn't Dr. Fromlaks' office..."
"Uh, yeah, I know. Where is her on call doctor?"
"This isn't Dr. Fromlak's office..."
"Well, let me speak to her ON CALL doctor. I was directed to call here..."
"Are you even pregnant?"
"Are you serious?! Where is the on call doctor?"
"Why don't you try calling Fromlak's office again."
"I just did, & they told me to call here so I could speak to the doctor that's ON CALL FOR HER."
"I'm not really sure what you want me to do..."

& then I just hung up & started crying. I could not get through to this bitch. So I tried calling Fromlak's office again. They re-directed me to the same office, & I got to talk to a much nicer smarter lady this time. haha. I told her my symptoms, (I think my water might've broken, I've been having steady contractions, Molly isn't moving..) & she told me to come right in.

So then Steve & I rushed around to pack a hospital bag, get the car seat in the car, make sure Littles had everything she would need for a couple days, & we were off. The whole way there I was just freaking out. I wanted Molly to be okay more than anything. Steve was complaining about his allergies the whole way there...He was a mess. lol. I couldn't find his glasses so his eyes were like bright red. But in the back of my head I was thinking, "Is he serious right now......" So he just sucked it up & took me to labor & delivery.

We finally got in, & he was like instantly amazing! He helped me out so much. He filled out my paper work, & scratched my back which I totally loved. haha. So I finally get into the ante-partum room, & this lady was in there moaning cause she was having contractions. I'll tell you more about her later.

So the nurse was super nice. She asked me a ton of questions, & finally put a contraction monitor around my belly, & a heartbeat monitor around my belly. & what do you know. Molly was a-okay. She took my blood pressure, & it kinda went down. lol. It was 148/74. eh. It's still pretty high.

After that, she checked me to see if I was dilating at all. Everyone always told me the vag exams were the worst, so I was pretty nervous....but it didn't hurt at all! --even though her whole arm was pretty much up there. hahaha. But I was only a fingertip dilated, & 100% effaced! So I guess that's a start.

After that, she checked the fluid..uh..down there to see if it was amniotic fluid with this giant orange q-tip. --It wasn't. So then she said she had to do a more in-depth exam to check for "pooling." That basically means my water broke, but it didn't gush out.

So she gave me a cup of ice water to drink, (I was beyond happy. Ice is what I live for now. lmao.) & said she'd be back in 15 minutes.

Well, when she came back, she had Steve step out & her & this other lady were going to check to see if pooling was the case. I looked over at the other lady I've never seen before, & she had a contraption in her hand that kinda looked like this....

Needless to say, after I saw that thing, I was flipping out. It looked scary. --I mean, I've had vag exams before, obviously, but not with that contraption! I immediately started shaking.

After the two nurses were done getting everything set up, I had to sit on this bed pan looking thing incase my water actually did break when they were done..okay not so bad...Once I got situated, the torture device was inserted. It wasn't so bad going in. They did what they had to do, & when they looked they said they couldn't tell if I was pooling, but that they think so.

Then the worst happens.

When they took the contraption out, it felt like they were taking my cervix out with it! oh. my. god. that hurt SO bad! I couldn't help but say, "OWWWWW!" & then I started laughing. Then they were laughing at me..or with me I guess. lol. They collected a bit a fluid & sent it down to the lab for testing. They wanted to keep me for awhile so they could monitor moll, & my puny contractions. The nurse left, & Steve came back in. & I'm absolutely traumatized at this point. I was sitting on the bed shaking cause that thing was just pure torture. That was NOT like a vag exam at all! It hurt so bad!

So Steve kept asking if he could get me anything, if I needed anything, & if I was re-considering an epidural. lol. I told him no, I was fine...& then I was just thinking, "he really is going to be a good dad." He was so nice the whole time.

Anyway, our little "what can I do?" conversation was interrupted by Molly. She started kicking the heart rate monitor around my stomach! Yay! She was moving! She continued to kick it, & you couldn't really hear her heart rate. haha. It just sounded like a loud groan. Steve said she was growling at us, & I started laughing really hard. Then the heart rate thing wasn't picking up her heart rate at all! I laughed it off. & then the machine started beeping. The nurse came in to check, & sure enough, the monitor was moved out of place.

The lady who was sharing a room with me was told that even though she was having contractions 2-5 minutes apart, that she had to go home. They were trying to give her medicine to stop her contractions, but she refused to take it? wtf. She was only like 33 weeks too. Then she started crying. Once the nurse left she kept saying that it was bullshit they were making her go was almost like she wanted to have her baby early or something. Steve got a kick out of that lol. He was making faces behind our curtain & he kept mouthing the words "drama queen!" at me....which just made me laugh again. So while "drama queen" & her husband were crying, me & Steve were across the room just hysterical. It was pretty funny.

After I finished my ice water, I had to go #1 very bad! I couldn't even move. Steve went into super-dad mode & found a nurse & asked if I was allowed to pee. He came back & started unhooking me from the machine, & then he held my gown closed while I waddled to the bathroom. I was in there smiling the whole time. He was so helpful! So he hooked me back up after I was all done, & not 5 minutes later, the nurse came back & said the pooling test came back negative & we could leave! I was happy & sad. But I was definitely in good spirits. Steve was absolutely amazing.

Once I got home, I hit the sack. It was like...9 or 10 I think when we got back. But I slept until about 2, & here I am typing a blog. I'm about to clean my house now since my blood pressure is somewhat lower. I'm also going to try like hell to make Molly come out this week hahaha. --After I'm done cleaning of course.

Well I just wanted to update everyone. Next time I think I'm in labor, I'm not telling anybody haha. I had 1 too many text messages to respond to!

If anything comes up, I'll post another blog.

Go0o0o0o0od night!

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